Greek Language Education Establishment of Hertfordshire
Potters Bar Greek School est 1979
Tel: 07946478968
Terms and Conditions
The school will make announcements on a weekly basis of news, reminders, upcoming events and points of interest, using a number of different means, including:
• School website
• Social media: Facebook - Greek School Potters Bar (GLEE), Twitter - @GreekSchoolPB
It is important that you keep up to date with these announcements by accessing the school website and our social media. We will use the email address and contact details you provide upon registration to communicate with you directly.
Regular and punctual attendance at all lessons is important. If your child is unwell or is not able to attend a lesson you are required to notify the school in advance by email or telephone, BEFORE 13:30pm on the day (or BEFORE 5:30 pm for Monday lessons). Catching up after absence - When a student is absent from school the parent/student will be expected to contact the class teacher at the first opportunity to agree the work that needs to be done and a suitable timeline to cover the material.
The school recognises good attendance by the presentation of certificates at the end of the school year. Excess absence from school and repeated failure to keep up with homework may lead to consideration of a student repeating an academic year.
Punctuality - Children must be at school at least five minutes before the start of lessons and must report directly to their classrooms. Parents and students are required to follow any guidance communicated by the school in relation to dropping off/collection.
Lateness and non-adherence to the required procedures will be disruptive and unsafe for both children and teachers. Parents must collect their children promptly at 5pm.
Please note that teachers are not responsible for the children after school hours. Parents must therefore ensure that children are collected on time. We are required to vacate the school shortly after 5pm to enable the cleaning team to perform extended cleaning due to Covid-19.
Discipline is intended to guide all students towards self-control, personal responsibility, self-respect and respect for others. Students will be expected to:
• attend school regularly and on time
• participate positively in lessons
• have respect for themselves, their friends, teachers, their work and their school
• behave responsibly and politely at all times (including during online lessons)
• take care of their own property and respect that of others
• not chew gum • not smoke or use alcohol
• not leave the school premises without prior consent from the teacher/Academic Lead during school hours G.L.E.E. Terms and Conditions
• attend all the school festivities and celebration days We expect parental support to ensure that the children maintain a high standard of good manners, consideration for others, neat appearance, punctuality and regular attendance. Bad behaviour in the school will not be tolerated and all parents are required to support the school in this.
A series of sanctions will ultimately lead to the permanent exclusion of the child, as follows:
• Initial reprimand by teacher
• Informing the parents
• Temporary exclusion from the school, maximum 3 weeks
• Permanent exclusion In the event of damage to school or other property it will be the family’s responsibility to cover the costs of damage/replacement of property.
Dress Code
There is no requirement to wear a uniform for regular school attendance. From time to time and on special occasions, children may be required to attend in specific attire (e.g. Christmas celebrations, National Day celebrations etc.) as requested by their teacher.
Enrolment is required on an annual basis and applies to existing students as well as new and prospective. Each family is required to supply a completed registration form prior to the start of the Autumn term (more details can be found on the school website or will be communicated by email). Any applications for enrolment received after the start of the Autumn term will be considered on an individual case by case basis and will be subject to availability.
We accept children from the age of 4.
Places at our school are limited and priority is always given to siblings of existing students. Any remaining places are allocated on a "first come first served" basis. Our school is oversubscribed in most classes, so it is advisable to make early enquiries. Once classes become full we operate a waiting list system. In the first instance, please contact us with your child's name and age in order to determine availability. We will then help you quickly through the enrolment process.
Registration forms must be completed at the time of enrolment and then repeated at the beginning of each subsequent year that your child remains at the school.
Parents are required to notify the school, as soon as possible, of any changes to the details provided for each child since their last registration.
Parents are asked to oversee and encourage their children with their homework assignments. Every student is set homework weekly and this is recorded in their homework diary. Social commitments should not interfere with homework as it is compulsory and an important part of the child's educational development. Parents are required to review and sign the homework diary each week to indicate that they are aware their child has been doing the set homework.
If a teacher notes that the child consistently fails to G.L.E.E. Terms and Conditions complete homework, he/she will inform the parents. Children who are absent from school are obliged to obtain this homework from fellow students or directly from the teacher and carry out the work.
School Fees
We hope you understand that prompt payment is important as it helps us offer all our pupils the very best education, opportunities and facilities. Payments can be made by bank transfer ONLY.
The annual fee structure can be found on the school website.
A 20% discount is available for the 3rd and 4th child per family attending the school.
A £50 deposit (deductible from the annual fee) is required for each child at the point of registration and before the start of the Autumn term (see the school website for the registration deadline).
Registration will not be considered complete unless the deposit has been paid.
Fees can be paid fully by BACS or in three instalments by direct debit, as follows: October 1, December 1 and April 1.
Late payments or no payments become problematic and may result in the loss of a student’s place at the school. Any late fees will be subject to a 10% surcharge.
Cancellation - Notification must be given in writing one whole term in advance should your child not wish to continue at school. Should you withdraw your child/children during the academic year without proper notice you are liable to pay the full annual fee and a refund will not be given. However, notifications in writing of exceptional circumstances necessitating withdrawal during the academic year will be considered by the committee.
Policies & Publications
We have a number of policies and procedures in place and details of these can be found on our website, together with other publications, including:
Academic Curriculum Online and ICT Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Keeping children safe in education (by the UK Department for Education)
The GLEE Constitution
Mobile Phones
No mobile phones are allowed in school, unless explicit permission has been granted by the class teacher. Mobiles may be confiscated if students are found using them during school operating times, without prior permission. If a parent needs to be contacted urgently by the school this will be done by the head teacher or a committee member. If a parent wishes to send an urgent message to their child, they may do so by calling the school mobile number 07935 921982.
Parents are informed about the progress of their children by their class teacher in a number of ways during the school year, including face to face meetings where appropriate. Parents are welcome to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher or the head teacher by appointment which can be arranged by calling or emailing the school.
Parking at the School
On driving into the school premises, through the main gates, the car park is to the left. When parking within the car park please give due consideration to other vehicles and park sensibly within the marked bays. There is a short walk to the main building from the car park itself. Disability access is widely available throughout the site. All personal belongings are left at the owners risk.