Greek Language Education Establishment of Hertfordshire
Potters Bar Greek School est 1979
Tel: 07935921982
The Greek Language Educational Establishment of Hertfordshire (GLEE) is committed to the promotion of a safe and healthy environment for staff, members, children and other users of the facilities during the designated working times.
1. Roles and Responsibilities
1.1 The committee
The committee is responsible for:
Ensuring the appropriate documentation is in place;
Monitoring appropriate documentation is implemented;
Reviewing documentation on an annual basis;
Ensuring the first aid bag is stocked up;
Arranging First Aid Training;
The implementation of this policy;
To provide a Primary and Secondary Duty officer during Saturday working hours;
To purchase/provide equipment deemed required that promotes a safe environment on request of the Academic Lead.
This will be achieved by:
Quarterly meetings of the school Governing Body;
All meetings to include a health and safety review;
To receive regular reports from the Academic Lead;
To have a First Aider present at all times when the school operates on Saturday.
1.2 The Academic Lead
The Academic Lead will be responsible for:
The day to day management of health and safety;
The implementation of this policy;
Ensuring that all staff are aware of the information contained in this document;
Ensuring that all staff are aware of the procedures laid down in the document, and of their own
Ensuring that all staff are aware of the procedures laid down in the document, and of their own responsibilities to comply with them;
Reporting to the Governing Body on Health and Safety matters;
Liaising with contractors to ensure an adequate exchange of Health and Safety information;
Undertake twice yearly Fire Alarm checks and complete log books;
To ensure Fire Exits remain accessible during school operation;
To carry out regular safety checks of the school grounds and bring to the attention of the Governing Body all matters identified that cannot be rectified immediately;
To segregate all potentially hazardous instances identified until such time that they can be rectified.
1.3 Staff
It is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work Act that all staff should be familiar with the Health and Safety arrangements in place and should comply with them.
All staff will therefore be issued with a copy of this document and will be expected to comply with the procedures it contains at all times.
All staff are responsible for themselves and all others within the school grounds for health and safety and should report any problems using the procedure outlines in the next section. If necessary they must be prepared to take appropriate action themselves to remove hazards.
Staff should ensure that pupils in their care behave in a safe and proper manner, adhering proper safety precautions, particularly in the handling of equipment or materials.
1.4 Member (Parent)
A member is welcomed to offer their services to the school voluntarily and prior approval shall be sought from the Governing Body and/or Academic Lead .
All members are responsible for the behaviour and Actions of their children whilst they accompany them within the school.
All members are required to ensure their children attend the school in the appropriate clothing and footwear in line with the request and needs of the school.
All members are required to ensure their contact details and information held by the school is correct at all times.
All members are required to inform the Academic Lead of long term child absences.
All members are required to inform the teacher if their child is unable to attend classes.
2.1 First Aid
The first aid equipment is in the upper school building staff room in the GLEE cupboard. The first aid bag also includes and is not limited to an incident book/register, a list of all qualified first aiders and certification, emergency contact details and register of child’s medical requirements.
All school employees may treat children for minor ailments and incident. Children may not give any treatment to other children.
A list of the current appointed first aiders is listed on the GLEE notice board and in the incident book/register. Any member of staff who has attended a recent First Aid course is regarded as a First Aider as long as a copy of a valid certificate is held on record.
When children are unwell they can sit in the staff room. A first Aider should then take responsibility for the child’s welfare.
All first aid waste/hazardous waste shall be disposed of in special bin liners, bins located at the school and marked as hazardous waste.
2.2 Incident Recording, Reporting and Investigation
Any incident needing routine treatment in school is deemed a minor incident, and shall be recorded in the incident book. The person completing the incident record will be responsible for investigating the causes of the incident and, if necessary, for making recommendations to the Head teacher to prevent re occurrence.
If an incident is sufficiently serious that a First Aider is not able to provide routine treatment, or if a decision has been made for the parent/guardian to be informed, it is deemed to be a serious incident. All serious incidents will be recorded in the incident book.
As a general rule, the child shall not be moved from an incident unless it is deemed by the first responder that their surrounding environment has the potential to cause them more harm. An adult shall stay with the injured child, and send another child to find another adult to contact the First Aider to deal with the incident where appropriate. All staff that are first aid trained shall follow the guidelines provided by their training organisation.
Ice packs shall only be used when the injury may cause bruising or swelling.
Any case deemed serious by the First Aider must be reported to the emergency services in the first instance and brought to the attention of the parent/guardian. In the absence of a parent/guardian, a member of staff/Governing Body shall accompany the patient to hospital.
When dealing with an incident, the area must be kept clear by a member of staff or Governing Body.
2.3 Issuing Medicines
No persons should administer any medication. In extenuating circumstances the member of the child must provide in writing the details of the medication to be administered, measures and instruction in advance of the child starting school. This agreement must be approved by the Academic Lead in conjunction with the member to ensure the school has the capability to provide such a service.
2.4 Fire Safety
There will be a twice yearly (calendar year) fire drill, the outcome of which will be recorded in the fire log book. The time of each drill shall vary to encompass the differing working times of the school day.
The fire evacuation procedure is displayed in all rooms. All staff must ensure that they are familiar with the fire evacuation procedure.
All fire safety must be serviced in line with the manufacturer’s specifications and is the responsibility of Dame Alice Owens School.
All equipment owned by the GLEE of Herts shall be inspected for fire safety before use. Training shall be provided by the Governing Body on request.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on site.
All visitors must be made aware of relevant emergency exits, and any planned fire drills for that day. A telephone shall be made available for emergency calls.
2.5 Hazard and Defect Reporting
All defects and hazards relating to the building or grounds shall be reported immediately to the Academic Lead . The Academic Lead shall be responsible for monitoring the progress on all items reported.
2.6 Annual Audits
A safety audit shall be carried out each year by the Academic Lead and premises owner. The outcome and action taken shall be reported to the Governing Body.
2.7 Risk Assessment
The result of the annual audit shall determine if a formal risk assessment is required.
Areas relating to education will be identified at staff meetings or when new materials, equipment or procedures are to be issued.
The Academic Lead shall be responsible for allocating the task of undertaking the risk assessment to a person best placed to make the assessment.
2.8 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Using chemicals or other hazard substances at work can put people's health at risk. The law requires employers to control exposure to hazardous substances to prevent ill health by complying with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH).
The responsibility for carrying out COSHH assessments will rest with the Academic Lead or the Chairman of the Governing Body depending on the substance concerned.
COSHH covers chemicals, products containing chemicals, fumes, dusts, vapours, mists and gases, and biological agents (germs). If the packaging has any of the hazard symbols then it is classed as a hazardous substance.
One of the main points of the COSHH risk assessment is to identify the measures that are to be used to avoid a hazard or reduce the level of risk associated with a hazard. Employers must ensure that exposure to hazardous substances is prevented or, if this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled. COSHH data sheets will be kept in the first aid cupboard.
2.9 Electrical Safety
All appliances shall be tested as required by current legislation. Any faults must be reported immediately.
Displays or decorations must not be suspended from light fittings, electrical equipment and or power cables.
Only approved contractors shall be used in consultation with the Academic Lead and Governing Body.
2.10 Security
All visitors shall report to the Academic Lead or member on duty that day. Visitors shall be asked to explain the reason for their visit, seek approval to be on site and to be escorted at all times until their task is complete.
All members are encouraged to challenge any visitors on school grounds politely.
Security passes shall be worn by all staff, members of the governing body and visiting members on duty. Visitor passes shall be issued where appropriate.
2.11 Supervision Before and After School
The school accepts no responsibility for staff, members, children and non-members once they leave the school grounds. The school ground begins and ends at the entrance of the school.
Members are asked to make arrangements to collect their children promptly at the end of the school day. Infant staff must ensure that each child is collected by a known adult. Senior school parents are to report to their teacher or the office if the person who has planned to collect them does not arrive promptly. Children are not allowed to go with another member unless that child’s parent/guardian has given consent to the class teacher and/or the Academic Lead.
Children not collected by members at the end of the school day must remain with a member of staff and/or Academic Lead until the child’s parent/guardian arrives.
If a child is not collected promptly, the class teacher shall inform the Academic Lead, who will assume responsibility until the child’s parent/guardian arrives.
2.12 Cycling to School
Children are only allowed to cycle to school in the following circumstances:
with their parents;
after passing the Young Cyclists Training Scheme.
In each case, if the bicycle is to be left on school grounds, permission must be requested and given by the Academic Lead.
2.13 Dogs on Site
Working dogs such as guide dogs, hearing dogs etc. are allowed on school grounds. Other dogs are not allowed on school grounds. Special dispensation can be granted by the Academic Lead and/or Governing Body.
2.14 Use of Car Parks and Vehicles on school grounds
The school car park is for the use of staff, members and approved visitors only. All are required to behave in a safe and courteous manner.
All access points to the school must be kept clear at all times. Anyone who breaches part or all of this requirement shall be subject to a review carried out by the schools Governing Body, in conjunction with the Academic Lead, and may be subject to disciplinary action that may lead to termination of their membership.
All Pedestrians must remain on the designated pathway.
Issued and approved by:
Mrs Maria McVey
Ms Eugenia Petridou
Academic Lead
Last updated: 16th October 2022